Discover and unleash your inner wisdom to live a life of passion and purpose.

Voice Dialogue

What Is Voice Dialogue Coaching?

Voice Dialogue Coaching is a process that merges two powerful approaches to conscious change (Voice Dialogue and Professional Coaching) into an extraordinary path of Transformation. Professional Coaching is an ongoing partnership that helps clients produce fulfilling results in and enhance the quality of their personal and professional lives. Voice Dialogue is premised on the theory that we are multifaceted beings, with each facet having it's own feelings, desires, concerns and energy. We often experience these parts pulling us in opposite directions.

By combining Voice Dialogue with Coaching, Clients' self knowledge and effective actions are exponentially excelled. From a place of a growing Center, clients are empowered to make conscious, creative choices, utilizing the energy of all aspects of themselves

Experience The Power of Voice Dialogue

Bringing All Your 'Parts' To The Table

Using Voice Dialogue In Coaching
By BJ Levy, JD, MA, PCC
Do you ever hear yourself saying, 'That's not like me to do that', or 'Part of me wants to do (fill in the blank), but part of me wants to do (the opposite)?' Do you make a bold change in your life, only later to hear your inner critic, or gremlin, or vulnerable self wince and second guess all of those bold new actions or statements?

That is because we ALL comprise a multitude of "parts" or selves, often carrying conflicting and even opposing feelings, desires, wants, needs, and concerns. Voice Dialogue allows us to experience the impact of our many "selves" on our lives and transform the energy drain between differing selves into an energy surge as these selves are given voice and acknowledgment. Voice Dialogue is a powerful tool for conscious thoughtful action. It allows us to stand between our various opposing selves, and change our habitual "either/or" thinking into acceptance of our wholeness. It provides an exciting path to shift from automatic reactive patterns to full aliveness in the present.

We are like the Chairperson of a corporation-the corporation in this instance is us. I'll speak of myself, and say that I am the Chairwoman of the Corporation called 'BJ Levy'. On my "board of directors" are my various parts or selves. Some of the Board 'members' are 'responsible self', 'playful self', 'partner', 'independence', 'loner', 'connector', 'comptroller', 'shopper', 'teacher', 'student'---I could go on as I, like everyone, have infinite parts. Just as you wouldn't want the comptroller of the corporation planning the company Christmas party, you don't want your 'responsible' self being in charge of your vacation, or your "loner" part running your relationship with your children and your spouse.

Awareness and dialogue with our parts, being able to see them as facets of us, being able to appreciate and embrace all of the aspects of ourselves, but not be run by them, is the goal of Voice Dialogue. As we learn to identify, hear from, and separate from these facets, know their strengths and weaknesses, acknowledge what they bring to the table of our lives, we are able to 'grow' the Chairperson part of ourselves, what in Voice Dialogue is called 'the Aware Ego.'

From the place of Aware Ego or Center, we are able to respond in the moment and make conscious creative choices that are not available to us when we are living from individual facets. Instead of having the button of a 'self' pushed to come out even if that self is not the most useful in the moment, we learn to choose the self or selves that best serve us.

Merging Voice Dialogue with Coaching provides an enhanced path of conscious, grounded transformation. Voice Dialogue Coaching is especially valuable when a client is stuck and/or feeling disempowered. The coaching team can look at which 'self' has been coming to the coaching call and making agreements and which 'selves' have blocked follow through after the coaching session because they were not consulted. By integrating Voice Dialogue with Coaching, the client is given the opportunity to hear the voices, programming, motivation, fears and wishes of opposite parts, and 'separate' from them. From a growing Center and embracing all 'selves', the client experiences new perspectives and is empowered to make and follow through with creative choices, expanding their world of possibility.

Voice Dialogue Benefits

Voice Dialogue Coahcing Provides A Depth Of Self-Knowledge That Ignites Informed Action!


Opens pathways to previously unknown energy sources


Allows clients to recognize the supportive nature and purpose of all aspects of themselves


Transforms the pull of opposing 'either/or' choices into forward momentum


Provides alternatives to automatic reactions


Gives insights that improve communication and relationships


Deepens learning, self knowledge and awareness


Frees up creativity


Is a powerful tool for getting 'unstuck'


BJ's Voice Dialogue Testimonials
"BJ has a gentle, compassionate and direct way of holding the space for and facilitating clear dialogue with various parts that allowed me to embrace aspects of myself that I had either resisted, judged or was afraid to look at. I experienced an expanded sense of love and acceptance towards myself. I believe Voice Dialogue can play a valuable and transformational role in any coaching relationship."

- Jennifer Rusche (Certified Professional Coach)
"My Voice Dialogue session with BJ was among the most powerful experiences I've ever had. She set the stage for me to open up and listen to various parts of myself. This was the first time my "Power Woman" spoke from her heart. I had been afraid of this part. With BJ's gentle encouragement, she showed up in all her glory as a friendly, loving, strong and exciting part of me with whom I now feel in total partnership."

- Viv Monahan (Certified Professional Coach)
"The use of Voice Dialogue has enhanced and deepened my Coaching experience. I am learning about the parts of me that help me move toward my goals, and more importantly, the parts of me that are uncomfortable with my new direction and will do anything to keep me from changing. If you find yourself dealing with the same issues again and again, I would highly recommend Coaching with BJ. My sessions with her have been life transforming."

- Tonnie Wolfe (Certified Professional Coach)
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